Wednesday, December 12, 2012

French Revolution by Tuesday, DBQ test over Holiday

We are just sliding into the French Revolution and will have a test on next Tuesday, December 18th.  Students will also be given a 100 pt. take home exam on DBQ interpretation.  They should really enjoy the test.  It is self contained with the documents included in the text of the test.

As promised here's the guide for the multiple choice 50 point French Revolution test.

French Revolution Test Guide

Not all questions are on this quide, but many are.  Numbers DO NOT correspond with numbers on the test.  For some of these items below, I have given you the actual fact that corresponds with the TEST question.
  1. Do Revolutions occur always because things are getting worse?
  2. What was the main long term economic reason behind the revolution (p. 752)
  3. Why was the voting procedure unfair for the Estates GeneraL (p. 753)
  4. What were the Cahiers Doleance (check up on internet)?
  5. Please know the social structure of France, especially the traits of the three estates. (page 753-755)
  6. There will be a number of questions on the unfair taxation system under the OLD REGIME
  7. Read about the pamphlet that Abbe Sieyes wrote.  Check up on line the first sentence of that pamphlet.  You must know this.  (page 754)
  8. Did some members of the other estates join the third estate (page 754) and your timeline.
  9. On page 745, what was the main reason behind the oath at the Tennis Court?
  10. Read on page 745 and remember that those who went into exile were called Emigres.
  11. What was the impact of the fall of the Bastille on the people (page 745)
  12. What was the Great Fear found on page 757.
  13. Read about the ideas and the circumstances, including what famous founding father was in Paris at the time of the writing of the Declaration of the Rigths of Man and Citizen. P. 757.
  14. One page 759, read about the division of the departments and what they looked like in the map on page 760.
  15. What were Assignats (page 759).
  16. Page 759…what did the Civil Constitution do regarding the Catholic Church?
  17. What happened to the monarchy on September 22, 1792 (page 762).
  18. Please read the words on the lower part of page 761 about the King’s failed flight to Varennes.
  19. Page 765.  What is the French National Anthem?
  20. Two countries were involved in the Brunswick manifesto…Austria and Prussia.
  21. What did the Brunswick manifesto announce (page 761)
  22. Before they divided into the Girondins and the Mountain what were these groups members of (read on page 762…and throughout the next few pages)
  23. What was the purpose of the Committee of Public Safety…but what was really the lethal result (page 763)
  24. Please go on the internet and read about this first important victory for the Revolutionary forces (Valmy).  The new spirit of the French army was due to this (page 764).
  25. Page 768:  What region in France let the Counter Revolution?
  26. What group of people were involved in the Counter Revolution (page 768)
  27. Unfortunately, Charlotte Corday’s assassination of the Marat, turned them into this (page 767)
  28. What did the continued threat of attacks on France eventually contribute to this horrific event that went over many months and forever marred the revolution (page 763)
  29. What was the main purpose of the Reign of Terror (page 763)
  30. What did the National Assembly due during the night of August 4th, 1789 that left a lasting legacy in France (page 757)
  31. Foreign intervention during the revolution eventually led to this (bottom of page 764).
  32. The ideas of conservative (right) moderate (middle) and liberal (left) reflect the actually seating chart of the French Revolution.  You will have 5 questions asking how different people in the revolution viewed these ideas and what they were opposed to or what they would have supported.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Down with kings....up with science

We are moving swiftly toward the Enlightenment...and, as I warned students, we would be moving along....time and time and European History waits for no one.

This is what we are working on right now, students:

Versailles Worksheet
Louis XIV Court (on flip side of Versailles worksheet)
A time of Tulips and Turmoil
Where in the World is the World (both sides--Scientific Revolution and Political Thought)
Chapter 17 Questions
Absolutism Test....

Yes, we'll gather all this in when we get back from Thanksgiving Break.
Monday before Thanksgiving will be a work day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 5-31st

We are working hard in AP Euro:

During the first part of October, students turned in their Prince Essay.
Then they watched the film Elizabeth and turned in a film guide and took a quiz.
Students completed the take home Reformation test over the long weekend of October 12-15th.  

We finished the Religious Wars by learning about the Thirty Years War and took a quiz on October 18th.

The week of October 22-26th has been devoted to writing.  Students have had two DBQs handed to them--the Witchcraft DBQ and the Plague DBQ.  They will be writing about one DBQ on Thursday.

On Friday, we commence with the the Rise of the Dutch Republic.

On Monday, October 29th, we cover the English Civil War.

On Tuesday, students will watch the film, Newton's Dark Secrets and learn about the beginning of the Scientific Revolution.

On Wednesday, we will begin a student by Louis XIV.

On Thursday, November 1st and Friday November 2nd, student will have questions, discussion questions and read the play "A Time of Tulips and Turmoil" which outline major events of the 17th century.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 5 through September 21st

The first few weeks of AP Euro are spent reviewing for the Middle Ages--and history up to the Renaissance.  Students have done the following:

--Middle Ages Notes
--Middle Ages Test (September 17th)
--The Royal We (article from the Atlantic Monthly)

On Friday, September 14th, we start the Renaissance:

--Notes on Renaissance
--Renaissance Scavenger Hunt (in Library on September 18th)
--The Prince Essay--due on September 24th.
--Renaissance Open Book Test (partially in class)  September 20-21st

By September 24th, we will be starting the Reformation

--Reformation Notes
--Film Guide, Elizabeth
--Questions Chapter 15 and 16
--Reformation Test by October 11th.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17th until the end of the year....

We have been very busy in AP Euro working on our preparation for the AP Exam.    Exam results will be out in July.

For the next three weeks students will be preparing for their senior project.  We have a great line up with students choosing to do their presentations on everything from the Paris Dakkar race, the Knights Templar, Brigitte Bardot, and the Profumo Scandal...and a whole lot of other fabulous topics in between. 

These presentations will be the last grade on your AP class grade.   We are finishing up the final exam, that will be entered by May 21st, and we'll watch two films...Dr. Zhivago, and if time, The Mission.  Both of these are excellent cultural literacy "fillers."   Students will also read some of the poetry of Boris Pasternak.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

Weeks of February 27th-March 8th

On Monday, February 27th, students will be doing their DBQ on the Industrial Revolution.

Chapters 24, and the analysis of White Man's Burden are also due by the end of the week (March 3)

Also, students need to finish their internet activity (New Ideas, artists, Sigmund Freud) by March 5th.

AP signups are fast approaching. I have given all students the 6 review sheets that will help them to pass the exam. If you have any intention of taking the exam, you must be reviewing those sheets along with the yellow DBQ sheet that has the terms from former DBQs and also helps and hints about identifying Point of View.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1st to February 10th

Students are knee deep in the 19th century.

On Wednesday, we finished up Les Miserables by watching excerpts from the Musical.

On Thursday, we'll be using our Ideology guide to take a small quiz.

On Friday, February 3rd, we will watch a slide show on Chapter 22.

Monday--hopefully we'll be in the library to work on the Viva la Vida chart.

On Tuesday, we'll do the Industrial Revolution DBQ

On Wednesday, February 8th, we should be studying the Crimean War.

On Thursday, Feb. 9th, we'll be continuing with the Crimean War and work on the map.

On Friday, we will be discussing Positivism, Realism, and the publication of the Communist Manifesto.