Monday, May 13, 2013

end of the year projects, final exam

Students have all received a list of end of the year projects.  These projects are to be presented as a powerpoint, a brief lecture, a play, a skit, a video---

Focus on the Who, What, Where, Why, When and How....

The topics are fascinating--so feel free to keep the sheet and peruse over the summer to increase your cultural literacy.

Wednesday, May 15th is the AP European History Exam

Friday, May 17, Monday and Tuesday May 20, 21 are the Final Exam.  I will review on Thursday, but since it is based mainly on readings it will not require much advanced preparation.

We will watch the film Dr. Zhivago May 22-24th, and Final Projects start presenting on My 28th through June 4th.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Finishing the course and a review

This week we will end our AP Euro course!  We are ploughing though the cold war and will hopefully end with the Euro crisis.  Starting next week, we begin and intensive in class review...half the class is taking the AP exam, so they will also receive update e-mails from me about certain review topics on the free response essays.

We will be writing two DBQ's back to back to make sure all student understand the role of point of view, not just for the exam but in their future college papers.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ending the 19th century

We have been very busy in European History

We have done Chapters 23, Viva La Vida worksheet

Chapter 23-25 on Imperialism

Chapter 24

And we are finishing up on Chapter 25.

Major exam on the 1800s is going to be on March 14th.  Students will be learning about World War I, the failure of the Weimer Republic, and the rise of the dictators....all to be done by the end of spring break.  There is a mantra in AP Euro, and that is we have to be at Hitler's dictatorship by Spring Break. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mid Term Study Guide

The last two weeks of AP Euro will be busy.

We will finish Napoleon by January 15th and move onto the momentous changes from the Congress of Vienna.  After the Congress of Vienna...we will move into the Industrial Revolution, and the Age of Romanticism which, of course, was a reaction to the changes in the countryside of England and France.

We will also be learning about the different ideologies that emerged after the French Revolution...yes, now the people had a right to participate in government...and everyone had an opinion on how government and economic systems should operate.

Word like Conservatism, Liberalism, Radicalism, Socialism, Republicanism and yes....Communism will dominate.  This will be called the age of the 'isms.