Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Week of December 13-17th

We will continue to learn about the French Revolution.

Students will need to have the French Revolution Questions (3 part packet) done by Friday.

I handed out the extra credit film list, so students can view any of those films over the Christmas break.

Students will have homework. They will do Chapters 18-22 on the Industrial Revolution and Chapter 21, on Napoleon. We will study Napoleon the first week when we get back.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 5th-9th

We are swamped trying to push through the Enlightenment.

On Monday, we learned about the Enlightened Despots. Students were given a 30 point quiz to complete and turn in Wednesday.

On Wednesday, students will be handed the questions on the French Revolution.

On Friday, we will start the French Revolution.

I will be handing out, next week, the list of extra credit films over the break. There will need to also be some homework over the break because we are busy.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Students will be turning in their Enlightenment test and chart first thing on Tuesday. This must be done as it was assigned to be finished over the break.

On Tuesday, students will finish learning about the Seven Years War. They will also learn about the Enlightenment's main writers.

On Thursday, students will learn about the Enlightened Monarchs: Catherine the Great, Frederick the Great, and Emperor Joseph of Austria.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week of November 15th-19th

Wow...we are almost done the Age of Absolutism.

Students should by now have finished the back page on the Rise of Russia.

We will have a brief discussion of the different reforms under Peter the Great, and also have a comparison of Peter the Great and Louis XIV.

We will spend some time on Monday learning about the Battle of Spanish Succession.
On Wednesday, we will begin to learn about the early enlightenment (chapter 18) and on Friday, we will be into the Enlightenment.

Take home assignment alert---we will mainly be studying the Enlightenment, Chapter 19, during Thanksgiving break. This of course means that there will be homework over the holidays...stay tuned.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week of November 7th-12th

We are knee deep in learning about the Age of Absolutism and the Rise of Parliament..

Students will continue to work on their POA's for Chapter 18.

In class this week we will be reading the play "In a Time of Tulips and Turmoil." Students will have questions to answer, and an evalutation of Saint-Simon's description of the court during the reign of Louis XIV. Students will also take home and open book test due the next week.

Students will also need to view on line the slide show for Sweden and Russia after the Thirty Years War, and fill in the notes.

Because we are going to have a full week off at Thanksgiving two weeks from now, I will be handing out a packet. Students are going to have homework over this week--so be prepared. It, too, will be due when we get back the following week.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week of November 1-5th

We are going to be having a very busy week learning about the English Civil War, the Restoration, and Royal Absolutism.

On Tuesday I handed out the revised Versailles sheet that students are to do while looking at the official Versailles website.

On Thursday, they will taking home the play, A time of Tulips and Turmoil (yes, written by Mrs. Olsen) and answering the questions on the front. On the back of the sheet they will respond to a primary document about Louis XIV and the Court of Versailles.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 25th-29th

On Monday, students will take a major exam on chapters 15-16--the questions on the test are on the previous post. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when I put the test off for a day...I wonder why! They will also view a slide show about Copernicus and Galilleo. On Wednesday, students will be working all day out of the Green Palmer Colton Text. On Friday, the film Newton's Dark Secrets will also be shown.

I will be handing out many assignments on Louis XIV, the English Civil War, and the Restoration. Should be a busy week--but very interesting. The next major exam will be two weeks from Monday.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

  1. Preparation for comprehensive exam chapters 15 & 16. * indicate possible short answer topics.

  1. You will need to know the definition of the Key Terms for both chapters.
  2. You will need to know the basic beliefs of Luther and Calvin.*
  3. How did the Catholic Church reform itself?*
  4. Who were the Jesuits? What was their mission? Where did they travel?
  5. What were indulgences?
  6. What was a Christian humanist?
  7. What was the goal of Erasmus p. 550.
  8. What was Utopia? P. 551.
  9. In what regions did the Catholic faith remain strong? Where were the Protestants? P. 558.
  10. Know about the main cause of the Peasants’ War.
  11. What was Luther’s attitude toward the Peasants’ War.
  12. How and why were the Anabaptists persecuted?
  13. What did the Protestant reformation replace in education? P. 562.
  14. In what other ways did the Protestant reformation change society? P. 562-565*
  15. Who was Charles V? Know about his life.*
  16. Know about Henry VIII’s split from the church.
  17. Know about the terms of the Peace of Augsburg. Page 573.
  18. Know how Charles split his realm when he “retired.” Page 573.
  19. What was the “dream” of the Reformation, vs. the reality of what happened. Page. 577.
  20. Know what religion eventually took control of a region—England, Scotland, and the Dutch Republic.
  21. What was the opening incident that began the Thirty Years War? Page 581.
  22. What was the religion not recognized at the Peace of Augsburg? P. 482.
  23. Who were the two powerful royal families in France page. 583.
  24. Know some details about the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. Page 583.
  25. Why did Henry IV issue the Edict of Nantes? Page 585.
  26. How did one become the Nobility of the Robe? Page 585.
  27. Know about the Battle of Lepanto, page 587.
  28. Who were the Moriscos and what happened to them? Pages 587.
  29. The revolt of the Netherlands—what did Philip do? The Southern Provinces of the Netherlands—who did they ally with, and then who did they go back to? Page 587.
  30. What were some of the traits of the Dutch state? Page 589.*
  31. Know about the circumstances behind the launching of the Spanish Armada. Page 590.
  32. Why did Ivan the terrible earn the nick name—Terrible? Page 591.
  33. What nations participated in the 30 years war? Page 393.
  34. What were the effects on the civilian population during the war? Page 593-594.
  35. Why did the Peace of Westphalia serve as a model for future peace conferences? Page 595-596.
  36. How did state authority increase? Page 596-597. *
  37. Where did the economic Balance of Power shift? Page 603.
  38. What were some of the reasons that colonization began in the New World? Page 604.
  39. Know some of the traits of Baroque art. Page 607.
  40. How did Natural Law refute the practice of torture? Page 609.
  41. Who was Copernicus and what were his ideas? Page 612.
  42. What happened to Galilleo? (focus on trial) page 613-614.
  43. Bacon and Descartes—know about their ideas page. 614.
  44. Why did the witchcraft persecutions start to fade? Page. 616.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


This week, students will continue to learn about the Reformation while they view the movie Elizabeth.

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27th--October 1st

This week students will be turning in their "Scavenger Hunt," and later, on Thursday, a paper on The Prince, by Machiaevelli. We will finish the Renaissance test (open book) on Tuesday and then learn about the New Monarchs later that day.

We start the reformation on Thursday--then next week, the movie Elizabeth.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week of 20-25th

On Monday, students will take their exam "Up to the Middle Ages," and we start The Prince and learn about the Renaissance. Hopefully we will "wrap" up the Renaissance by next week, start the Reformation and students can view the movie Elizabeth!

After the Renaissance, we will formally begin the textbook.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Middle Ages and Crusades...

Students have been handed out their syllabus and contract for AP Euro. We will be studying the Middle Ages and moving into the Renaissance in the next week.